Yoga, Cultural Healing & Wellness Classes

Weekly Yoga & Movement Classes

Classes are generally offered for a season at a time. This allows us to invite new teachers and new offerings, and also get a sense of what you, our members, are most interested in and when. Here’s some general info about our classes. Sign up using our booking link above.

EveryBody Yoga

EveryBody is different! This class focuses on yoga accessible to every body. The intent is to provide space where students can connect with their body, mind and soul. Class begins with a 15 minute meditation to allow students to “arrive” and ground in their practice. It then moves into asanas (yoga poses) designed to build strength, increase flexibility and practice balance.

All asanas are provided with variations that allow students to be exactly where they are in their journey. The class focuses on finding your “edge”, where you are challenging yourself to build and improve, while being careful to listen to and honor your body. Classes end with the traditional sivasana, or final relaxation pose, allowing your body, mind and spirit to integrate the asanas and pranayama (breath work) that have been done during the class. This class caters to all levels – everyBody!

Restore & Meditate

This practice focused on helping you to relax, gently open up the body and calm the mind. Mostly passive stretching postures will be held for an extended amount of time using a variety of props.

 Physical adjustments will also be offered, with your consent, to help you really melt into every posture. You will feel refreshed and rejuvenated after every class.

Soul Motion

Soul Motion can be many things. What it is, at its heart, is a creative play. Like all movement, it helps locate where we actually are, in our body, in our heart, and in our mind, and Spirit. It is a class about relationships. We learn to build first our relationship with ourselves, before engaging with each other, and then the community, and finally the Spirit in everything. In this series of classes, we will engage in a series of ‘experiments’ aimed at helping the participant be in their bodies and in their hearts. We will engage in movement as it comes naturally through us, in our creativity. The experiments may look like walking through the room with attention, pausing, floor exercises, and working with a partner. You could say it is a ‘dance class’, but that would be minimizing the width and breadth of what it actually is. It is really a class to help you find home in yourself, in your body, and in your own creative flow.

Hatha Flow & Morning Flow

A fluid practice of sun salutations to bring you into that one-pointed place with body, mind and breath. All levels welcome; it is helpful though not required to have some experience with yoga asana.

Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga class is designed for anyone who would like to release stress in their bodies and minds, and to help students wind down from the day/week, and prepare for restful sleep. Class will include meditative centering, guided asana practice along with somatic movement and will end with a longer restorative practice.

Mat Pilates

Mat Pilates helps strengthen your core front, back and side abdominal area. This is essential for better posture and sleep, and reduced back strain. An excellent addition or alternative to yoga practice for those who want more concentrated work in targeted areas, or for those rehabilitating after injury or surgery.

Kundalini Yoga

The Yoga of Lines & Angles

Kundalini Yoga is a highly concentrated practice incorporating physical movement, mantra chanting, mudra postures for hands & breathwork with an awareness of energetic pathways within and around the body. Kundalini Yoga sets, or kriyas, generally fewer postures or asana than other yoga styles, the postures may be held for length of time or done in repetition.

Meditation and Mantra

Meditation and Mantra together create a wave construct that allows life force to awaken, energy to merge with unlimited field.. Repetition of breath, repetition of attention, repetition of sound.

The Living Arts In Depth

Yoga of the Heart®

6 week series, by request

Yoga of the Heart® is a 6-week lifestyle improvement course of Yoga for Cancer and Cardiac Patients. Weekly classes include Modified Asanas (Postures), Breathing Exercises, Guided Imagery, Group Discussions and Deep Relaxation, as well as information on healthy eating.

This course will provide participants with not only guidelines on diet and exercise (as approved by their physician) but also with the insight and tools to think and act in ways that will decrease stress in their lives. We will work together to help you safely enjoy the benefits of yoga, while improving your overall health!

While this particular program targets those with cancer and cardiac diseases, the teachings and practices of living in greater union with the mind, body and spirit, as well as learning how to incorporate physical practice of yoga in a way that honors & supports the body would benefit anyone.

This course is most effective when taken with your significant other (parent/child/life partner/friend, etc.) so you can learn and support each other in your wellness practices. A discount is offered for partners taking the course.

This 6-week series is taught by Bharati Carla Haynes LPN, RYT and graduate of the 2011 YOTH program in Tyrol, Austria. Please contact Bharati at to request enrollment

Foundational Yoga 101 Series

Offered bi-annually or by group request; check class schedule for details

A slow unfolding of Classic Sivananda Yoga, taking time to learn and embody the foundations of this 5-pointed practice. Each session highlights a different aspect of this integrated practice, with opportunities to reflect and share experiences and questions. We’ll explore:

Proper Exercise
Proper Breathing
Proper Diet
Positive Thinking & Meditation
Proper Relaxation

Great as an introduction or a comeback to your yoga practice!

Check our WORKSHOPS PAGE for upcoming dates.

Journey w/ Bharati

Immersive Gatherings of Kriya Yoga, Meditation, Mantra & Elemental Technologies

There is the practice of doing and then there is the practice of BE-ing. Journey w/ Bharati experiences allow the energetic signature of those present to be part of the recipe, to co-create the work and the messages that are most right for that container of time and space.

No experience required, though it’s likely you’ll find an attraction to the calling from within. That will fuel the desire for regular engagement with yourSelf on this level.

Check our WORKSHOPS PAGE to keep up with JwB offerings.

Music & Art


“I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for providing the complimentary yoga class experience. The class I attended this morning left me with an incredible sense of well-being both during and after the session. Yoga truly offers numerous benefits for both the mind and body, and I am grateful to have experienced them firsthand. Your guidance and the peaceful atmosphere created an ideal environment for relaxation and self-care. I thoroughly enjoyed the class and the positive energy it brought to my day. It has reaffirmed my belief in the transformative power of yoga.” _____ Felix

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