Arts & Wellness
for the Young

Our Kids Offerings

Kids classes are offered as a series, generally 4-6 weeks long. Each season, you can sign your child up for 1 or more arts & wellness classes each week, allowing them to expand their understanding of and experience with movement, expression and self-regulation.

Our teachers are mature and experienced; our philosophy is one of experiential learning through nurturing, constructive relationships that encourage intrinsic motivation and empowerment. Below is a description of our kids classes.

Look for the latest series in our Workshops Schedule.

Baby n Me Music & Movement

Wednesdays 10-10:45a 3/7 to 4/25, no class 3/28 & 4/4

Instructor: Sheila Shukla

Sheila Shukla is a well-known and well-loved facilitator of parent/child music exploration. Come join us in welcoming her to Soma Vayu Garden for a 5-class series!

45-minute class and 15 minutes optional stay and play.

$100 for the series

To register, visit our WORKSHOPS PAGE.

Radiant ME Yoga

Radiant ME is meant to help our youngest friends stay connected to the life force energy they were born with. This awakens and strengthens their self-awareness, self-appreciation and their resilience.

While classes have a format, there is also encouragement for students to listen and express their inner voice of Truth, learning to discern it from the inner voice of fear. Ages 6+


A great class to explore to physical challenges of a fun yoga asana practice, all the while learning to use the breath & mind.

Ages 6

Mindful ME

Children continually absorb so much from their caregivers and their external environment. Learning to “self-steady” as one 7th grader calls it is an essential life skill in today’s world. Stillness and movement practices, breathing exercises, visual art and song all help students find the ways that create their sense of steady, adding to the toolbox they build for life.

Ages 7+

Wee Ones Yoga

Just the right amount of practice for toddler bodies and minds! Instructors incorporate music, choreography, props and crafts to create an engaging class.

Ages 2 -4. Parents must remain in the building.

Zumba & Zumbini

Kids love to get their dance moves on! Zumba is for ages 5+ and Zumbini for ages 2-4. Parents must remain in the building with Zumbini students.


Kids Drumming varies throughout the year. We offer hand drumming with drums from around the world like African djembes, Caribbean congas, Middle Eastern doumbeks and Italian frame drums; and also stick drumming with bucket drums. So many ways to explore rhythms!.


Learn to make percussion instruments of all kinds. Then make a second one to donate to community events offered by Hub City Drum n Dance to bring cultural programs to kids and families!


Guitar classes are available for those who have their own instrument. Contact us to arrange lessons. It may be your choice of private instruction or small group if there is enough demand for a particular day and time.


We’re now offering thoughtfully curated, fun gatherings for kids and young adults. Arts & Wellness themed events with a fun group interactive, individual make-take activity, Silent Disco dance party and time for a celebratory bite to eat.

Themes include: Kitchen Science, Spa Time, Simple Science, Nature’s Magic, Drum Time, Book Magic and Glo. Kids are not required to have a theme, as we find our teen friends sometimes like a neutral space. Our staff treat your kids in a way to encourage mutual respect and kindness, and the importance of everyone’s role in creating great environments.

Openings are available one weekend per month. Contact us to learn more. Subject Line: Parties or call/text 732-507-YOGA(9642) or 908-888-9383.


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